Re: Word Count Example? |
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DavidRM |
Posted: 01/10/2004 8:26:51 I came up with the following. It counts characters (with and without spaces), words, and paragraphs. Not sure how to get a line count yet. procedure GetStatistics(richViewEdit:TRichViewEdit; countSelection:boolean; var charCnt, charNoSpaceCnt, wordCnt, lineCnt, paraCnt:integer); const WhiteSpace: set of char = [#9,#10,#13,#32]; WordBreak: set of char = [#9,#10,#13,#32,'-']; Punctuation: set of char = ['!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','-','=','+','`','~',';',':','''','"',',','.','<','>','/','?','\','|','[',']','{','}']; var statText: string; mStream: TMemoryStream; wordStarted, paraStarted, lastHyphenated, isWordBreak: boolean; ch: char; cc: integer; begin mStream:=TMemoryStream.Create; try if richViewEdit.SaveTextToStream('',mStream,0,countSelection,true) then begin SetLength(statText,mStream.Size); mStream.Position:=0; mStream.ReadBuffer(PChar(statText)^,mStream.Size); end else statText:=''; finally mStream.Free; end; // try if statText<>'' then begin // initialize flags wordStarted:=false; paraStarted:=false; lastHyphenated:=true; charCnt:=Length(statText); charNoSpaceCnt:=0; wordCnt:=0; lineCnt:=0; paraCnt:=0; for cc:=1 to Length(statText) do begin ch:=statText[cc]; isWordBreak:=(ch in WordBreak); if isWordBreak then begin if wordStarted then begin // hyphenated words count as 1 word if (ch='-') and (not lastHyphenated) then lastHyphenated:=true else begin inc(wordCnt); wordStarted:=false; lastHyphenated:=false; end; end; // check for end of paragraph if (ch in WhiteSpace) then begin if (ch=#13) then begin if paraStarted then begin inc(paraCnt); paraStarted:=false; end; dec(charCnt); end else if (ch=#9) or (ch=#10) then dec(charCnt); end else inc(charNoSpaceCnt); end else begin if not (ch in Punctuation) then wordStarted:=true; paraStarted:=true; inc(charNoSpaceCnt); end; end; if wordStarted then inc(wordCnt); if paraStarted then inc(paraCnt); end; end; This will actually come very close to duplicating the word counts given by MS Word. For English, anyway. Hard-wiring the white space, word breaks, and punctuation bugs me. I'd prefer a a way to get language-specific sets for those (or a Win32 API call that classifies a particular character). Maybe I'll find that someday (or someone can slip me the answers... ;) ). -David "DavidRM" <[email protected]> wrote: > >Is there an example somewhere of how to count the words of a TRichView/Edit? >I'd also like to count paragraphs, lines, and characters. > >Thanks. > >-David > |
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