Re: Merging documents

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Posted: 10/06/2004 19:14:15

This is working great no matter how many times I do this now and what order

I do it in, it works.

One problem well depends how you look at it. Open the first template that

has the background image in then append the next doc that does not have a

background image you loss the original one, not sure if you could classify

this as a prob really but I can work around this myself by saving the image

before I do anything and reloading it.  Thanks again :)

Kind Regards


"Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote in message

news:[email protected]...

> Example if you want to add from files:


> procedure AppendDoc(rv: TCustomRichView; const FileName: String);

> var  Stream: TFileStream;

> begin

>   Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);

>   rv.InsertRVFFromStream(Stream, ItemNo);

>   Stream.Free;

> end;



> rv.Clear;

> AppendDoc(rv, 'file1.rvf');

> AppendDoc(rv, 'file2.rvf');

> rv.Format;



> > Yes that will do fine.



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