Re: Merging Cells change content of other cells

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Michael Exel

Posted: 10/30/2003 22:38:59

Dear Sergey,

of course it's splitting (i forgot to correct the headline).

Is it possible to find the empty lines and kill them, maybe by iterating

the inserted row and column?

"Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote:



>It's not merging but splitting.

>Techinically, splitting of cell in two columns is performed by inserting


>column, then merging all cells to the right on this column with the cells


>this column, in all rows except for the splitted cell.

>When merging, cell contents are combined. Since each cell contains at least

>one empty text string, you can see this effect (well, may be this is a

>knotty explanation:)

>I agree it's not good. It will be fixed in one of future updates.



>> Dear Sergey,



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