Re: Merge cell table corruption?

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Franco Skrzypczak

Posted: 07/29/2004 12:48:42

Hello Sergey,

Thank you for your feedback.  I looked through the code and I managed to

find the problems.  They were the following;

1. Entire table color changes when setting cell color.

The function call that I used was SetCellColor(Value: TColor; Row,Col: Integer);

When I call this method the entire table color changed AFTER merging a cells

on the table.  I replaced this function with Table.Cells[,].Color and it

fixed the problem.

2.  Application exception on exit

If you assign an integer to a tag of a table when the RVE TagsAsPChar = True

and you call RVE.Clear you get an exception. This I fixed by setting TagsAsPChar

= False.  This caused the exception when I exited the application because

I cleared the RVE on exit.

3.  Pasting HTML

There was a misunderstanding.  The problem that I had was the following.

I create a table in RVE.  I export the HTML.  I open it in IE.  I copy the

content from IE (Not the source) and paste it into RVE.  This gets treated

as RTF then.  It works well but the problem was that if I created and exported

a table with a merged cell then I could not copy and paste the displayed

html in IE back into the RVE.  However, after I changed the two items above

the problem doesn't occur anymore.  (?)

Once again thanks for your help!


"Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote:

>> 1.) If I try to set the color of a single cell in a table ALL the cells


>> the table get the same color.


>How do you change cell color?

>table.Color is a color of the whole table.

>table.Cell[r,c].Color is a color of the specific cell.



>> 2.) If I close the application I get an exception in the TRichView



>Any application or some specific application?



>> 3.) If I export the table in HTML format and open it in a browser, it


>> correctly.  But if I copy this table, it is not possible to paste it into

>> the richview component.


>By default, when you copy a web page from IE, RichViewEdit pastes it as


>IE sometimes generates low quality RTF (and event does not generate it for

>web pages with complicated layout).

>You can test it in MS Word - command Edit | Paste Special, select "Rich


>Format". Results should be almost the same as pasting in RichViewEdit.

>Results must be better if pasting in HTML format. Unfortunately, HTML import

>is not supported directly yet.

>HTML can be imported/pasted using freeware thirdparty TRVHTMLImporter

>component (

>RichViewActions ( support it




>> To me it seems like the table item gets corrupted.  Maybe I am doing


>> wrong since I am not so familiar with this component set yet.


>> Below are the source used for cell merging.


>The full sequence of operations is below:

>(please note: calls of SetUndoGroupMode(True) and SetUndoGroupMode(False)

>must be strictly paired, they decrement/increment an internal counter)


>var rve: TCustomRichViewEdit;

>    item: TCustomRVItemInfo;

>    table: TRVTableItemInfo;

>    ItemNo, Data: Integer;


>  if RichViewEdit1.GetCurrentItemEx(TRVTableItemInfo, rve, item) then begin

>    table := item as TRVTableItemInfo;

>    ItemNo := rve.GetItemNo(table);

>    rve.BeginItemModify(ItemNo, Data);

>    rve.BeginUndoGroup(rvutModifyItem);

>    rve.SetUndoGroupMode(True);

>    table.MergeSelectedCells(True);

>    table.DeleteEmptyRows;

>    table.DeleteEmptyCols;

>    rve.SetUndoGroupMode(False);

>    rve.EndItemModify(ItemNo, Data);

>    rve.Change;

>  end;




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