Re: Example: hypertext hint in TRichViewEdit

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Jonas Bilinkevicius

Posted: 11/17/2003 12:20:01

Do not forget to add "RVItem" unit to uses clause because rvbpJump is

declarated in it.

By default "RVItem" not included in uses.



"Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote in message

news:[email protected]...

> This code shows how to display hints over hypertext items in


> (it will work in TRichView too).


> A hint text is like this:

> 'Ctrl+click to go to:'

> <text from tag of the hypertext item>


> This code uses undocumented function GetItem().GetBoolValue().

> It's possible to do this using only documented methods (to check if the

> returned item is hotspot, hotpicture or text of a hypertext style), but it

> would produce a less compact code.


> RichViewEdit.ShowHint must be set to True.


> Event RichViewEdit1.OnMouseMove:


> uses CRVFData;


> procedure TForm1.RichViewEdit1MouseMove(Sender: TObject;

>   Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);

> var RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;

>     ItemNo, Offs: Integer;

>     s : String;

> begin

>   inc(X, RichViewEdit1.HScrollPos);

>   inc(Y, RichViewEdit1.VScrollPos*RichViewEdit1.VSmallStep);

>   s := '';

>   if RichViewEdit1.GetItemAt(X, Y, RVData, ItemNo, Offs, True) then begin

>     if RVData.GetItem(ItemNo).GetBoolValueEx(rvbpJump,


> then

>       s := 'Ctrl+click to go to:'#13+

>         PChar(RVData.GetItemTag(ItemNo));

>   end;

>   RichViewEdit1.Hint := s;

>   if s='' then

>     Application.CancelHint;

> end;



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