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TSRVPreview displays a print preview for TSRVPrint.
Unit SRVPreview.
TSRVPreview = class(TCustomRVPrintPreview)
The source TSRVPrint component is specified in SRVPrint property. TSRVPreview displays a single page of the source document, specified in PageNo property. This page may consist of several frames (paper sheets), if a poster is printed.
When SRVPrint prints a poster, this component displays all frames (paper sheets) comprising this page. A border around all frames is shown using BorderColor and BorderWidth properties. Borders between frames are shown using FrameBorderColor and FrameBorderWidth. A position of the original page is shown using PageBorderColor, PageBorderWidth, PageBorderStyle properties.
When SRVPrint prints in another mode, this component displays a single paper sheet. A border around it is shown using BorderColor and BorderWidth properties. A position of the original page is shown using PageBorderColor, PageBorderWidth, PageBorderStyle properties (one sheet may contain several pages, if tiles are printed).
Paper sheets inside the main border (drawn using BorderColor and BorderWidth) drop a shadow with the parameters ShadowColor and ShadowWidth. The rest of the component's window is filled with Color.