TRVAControlPanel.DialogFontName, DialogFontNameLin

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TRVAControlPanel.DialogFontName, DialogFontNameLin

The properties define the default font name for all dialog windows displayed by RichViewActions.

property DialogFontName: String;

property DialogFontNameLin: String;

DialogFontName is used on Windows. DialogFontNameLin is used on Linux.

Each property contains a semicolon-delimited list of font names, in order of preference. The first font existed in the system is used.

'default' is a special font name, valid only for Lazarus. It means that the actual font name is determined by the application.

The actual font name used by RichViewActions is returned by GetRealDialogFontName method.

Default value:

DialogFontName: 'Segoe UI;Tahoma;Microsoft Sans Serif;MS Sans Serif;Arial'

DialogFontNameLin: 'default'

See also:
