Update 2017-Dec-4] TRichView setup now includes better version of this demo in <TRichViewDir>\ThirdParty\Export\SynPDF\Demos\RV2PDF\ folder. This better version reads all page properties from source RTF (or RVF) files and applies them to PDF, supports headers, footers, footnotes and endnotes, displays preview before exporting.
See http://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtop ... 951#p34100
This demo shows how to convert RTF and RVF files to PDF files using TRichView and SynPDF (Synopse PDF Engine)
thanks a lot for that demo! Very interesting. Unfortuantely, it doesn't seem to work when I try to convert an RTF that contains a table with both text and images in the cells to PDF. The text shows up, but the images are not there.
Thank's Sergey for your fast reply. Unfortunately I was not clear in my question. The error is "undefined Height" which is in FPageInfo.PageSize.Height. So it says that it cant't find Height.
again many thank's for quick support.
At the end I figured the replacement with FPageInfo.PageSize.cy out myself but thank you anyway.
To make it really work with Delphi 5 you need to change the uses of RVSynPDF.dpr as follows
at the bottom of RVSynPDF.dpr it needs to look like that
//Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
TRichView setup now includes better version of this demo in <TRichViewDir>\ThirdParty\Export\LLPDFLib\Demos\RV2PDF\ folder. This better version reads all page properties from source RTF (or RVF) files and applies them to PDF, supports headers, footers, footnotes and endnotes, displays preview before exporting.
See http://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtop ... 951#p34100