date/time : 2014-12-07, 16:17:58, 720ms
computer name : VPS
wts client name : HYJ-THINK
user name : Administrator <admin>
registered owner : hyper-v / hyper-v
operating system : Windows 2003 Service Pack 2 build 3790
system language : Chinese
system up time : 9 days 17 hours
program up time : 1 hour 41 minutes
processors : 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5640 @ 2.27GHz
physical memory : 2039/2559 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 3.44 GB (D:) 26.01 GB
display mode : 1440x900, 16 bit
process id : $5b0
allocated memory : 7.55 MB
largest free block : 971.62 MB
executable : Server.exe
exec. date/time : 2014-12-07 14:36
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE6
madExcept version : 4.0.10
callstack crc : $4e6c189b, $107624a6, $5c37702d
exception number : 1
exception class : EReadError
exception message : Stream read error.
thread $728 (TCPClientThread):
00525cc0 +068 Server.exe System.Classes TStream.ReadBuffer
00679740 +210 Server.exe MRVMediaServer 1579 +39 LoadHeader
006799b5 +171 Server.exe MRVMediaServer 1635 +25 LoadPackTCP
00679d68 +0fc Server.exe MRVMediaServer 1731 +27 TRVMediaServerThread.DoRead
00408dc6 +09e Server.exe System 399 +0 TMonitor.Wait
00674395 +099 Server.exe MRVType 5102 +6 TCPClientThread.TCPRead
0067423f +1bb Server.exe MRVType 5067 +44 TCPClientThread.Execute
004a2853 +02b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +049 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +028 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +00d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +032 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $120 (TRVListenerThread) at:
00673e33 +023 Server.exe MRVType 4952 +1 TCPClientThread.Create
main thread ($d00):
77e2bf51 +00a USER32.dll WaitMessage
0064ada5 +149 Server.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.Idle
00649fcb +017 Server.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
0064a2f1 +0c9 Server.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.Run
0068bdef +03b Server.exe Server 25 +3 initialization
thread $fec (TRVListenerThread):
7c957b77 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
71b5150e +5e WS2HELP.dll WahReferenceContextByHandle
71b62839 +9e WS2_32.dll select
00674534 +d8 Server.exe MRVType 5187 +14 WSSelect
00674803 +8b Server.exe MRVType 5272 +12 TRVListenerThread.ListenServer
0067469d +4d Server.exe MRVType 5222 +8 TRVListenerThread.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $c98 at:
00674593 +23 Server.exe MRVType 5199 +1 TRVListenerThread.Create
thread $120 (TRVListenerThread):
7c957b77 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
71b5150e +5e WS2HELP.dll WahReferenceContextByHandle
71b62839 +9e WS2_32.dll select
00674534 +d8 Server.exe MRVType 5187 +14 WSSelect
00674803 +8b Server.exe MRVType 5272 +12 TRVListenerThread.ListenServer
0067469d +4d Server.exe MRVType 5222 +8 TRVListenerThread.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $f9c at:
00674593 +23 Server.exe MRVType 5199 +1 TRVListenerThread.Create
thread $d74 (TCPClientThread):
7c957b77 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
71b694e2 +62 WS2_32.dll WSARecv
71b1114c +2c wsock32.dll recv
0066ff0b +37 Server.exe MRVType 1740 +6 ReadFromSocket
00674161 +dd Server.exe MRVType 5044 +21 TCPClientThread.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $120 (TRVListenerThread) at:
00673e33 +23 Server.exe MRVType 4952 +1 TCPClientThread.Create
thread $db4 (TCPClientThread):
7c957b77 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
71b694e2 +62 WS2_32.dll WSARecv
71b1114c +2c wsock32.dll recv
0066ff0b +37 Server.exe MRVType 1740 +6 ReadFromSocket
00674161 +dd Server.exe MRVType 5044 +21 TCPClientThread.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $120 (TRVListenerThread) at:
00673e33 +23 Server.exe MRVType 4952 +1 TCPClientThread.Create
thread $948 (TCPClientThread):
7c956db7 +0a ntdll.dll NtDelayExecution
7c801ecf +47 kernel32.dll SleepEx
7c8024f8 +0a kernel32.dll Sleep
00674f93 +bb Server.exe MRVType 7024 +57 RecvNonBlock
0066ff2f +5b Server.exe MRVType 1743 +9 ReadFromSocket
00674161 +dd Server.exe MRVType 5044 +21 TCPClientThread.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $120 (TRVListenerThread) at:
00673e33 +23 Server.exe MRVType 4952 +1 TCPClientThread.Create
thread $808 (TCPClientThread):
7c957b77 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
71b694e2 +62 WS2_32.dll WSARecv
71b1114c +2c wsock32.dll recv
0066ff0b +37 Server.exe MRVType 1740 +6 ReadFromSocket
00674161 +dd Server.exe MRVType 5044 +21 TCPClientThread.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $120 (TRVListenerThread) at:
00673e33 +23 Server.exe MRVType 4952 +1 TCPClientThread.Create
thread $a74 (TCPClientThread):
7c957b77 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
71b694e2 +62 WS2_32.dll WSARecv
71b1114c +2c wsock32.dll recv
0066ff0b +37 Server.exe MRVType 1740 +6 ReadFromSocket
00674161 +dd Server.exe MRVType 5044 +21 TCPClientThread.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $120 (TRVListenerThread) at:
00673e33 +23 Server.exe MRVType 4952 +1 TCPClientThread.Create
thread $cf4 (TRVClientRedirect):
7c957b67 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
7c822026 +cc kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
004abcfa +56 Server.exe System.SyncObjs THandleObject.WaitFor
0067750c +2c Server.exe MRVMediaServer 558 +11 TRVClientRedirect.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $d74 (TCPClientThread) at:
00676edd +51 Server.exe MRVMediaServer 387 +1 TRVClientRedirect.Create
thread $b74 (TRVClientRedirect):
7c957b67 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
7c822026 +cc kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
004abcfa +56 Server.exe System.SyncObjs THandleObject.WaitFor
0067750c +2c Server.exe MRVMediaServer 558 +11 TRVClientRedirect.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $db4 (TCPClientThread) at:
00676edd +51 Server.exe MRVMediaServer 387 +1 TRVClientRedirect.Create
thread $8d8 (TRVClientRedirect):
7c957b67 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
7c822026 +cc kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
004abcfa +56 Server.exe System.SyncObjs THandleObject.WaitFor
0067750c +2c Server.exe MRVMediaServer 558 +11 TRVClientRedirect.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $808 (TCPClientThread) at:
00676edd +51 Server.exe MRVMediaServer 387 +1 TRVClientRedirect.Create
thread $d78 (TRVClientRedirect):
7c957b67 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
7c822026 +cc kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
004abcfa +56 Server.exe System.SyncObjs THandleObject.WaitFor
0067750c +2c Server.exe MRVMediaServer 558 +11 TRVClientRedirect.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $948 (TCPClientThread) at:
00676edd +51 Server.exe MRVMediaServer 387 +1 TRVClientRedirect.Create
thread $3e0 (TRVClientRedirect):
7c957b67 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
7c822026 +cc kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
004abcfa +56 Server.exe System.SyncObjs THandleObject.WaitFor
0067750c +2c Server.exe MRVMediaServer 558 +11 TRVClientRedirect.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $a74 (TCPClientThread) at:
00676edd +51 Server.exe MRVMediaServer 387 +1 TRVClientRedirect.Create
00400000 Server.exe D:\hyj
025d0000 Normaliz.dll 6.0.5441.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
40270000 wininet.dll 8.0.6001.19298 C:\WINDOWS\system32
40910000 iertutil.dll 8.0.6001.19298 C:\WINDOWS\system32
439b0000 urlmon.dll 8.0.6001.19298 C:\WINDOWS\system32
4c510000 msctfime.ime 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
69660000 hnetcfg.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71a40000 wshtcpip.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\System32
71a80000 mswsock.dll 5.2.3790.4318 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71ad0000 uxtheme.dll 6.0.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71b10000 wsock32.dll 5.2.3790.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71b20000 rdpsnd.dll 5.2.3790.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71b50000 WS2HELP.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71b60000 WS2_32.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71ba0000 NETAPI32.dll 5.2.3790.5030 C:\WINDOWS\system32
72f40000 winspool.drv 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
73730000 ddraw.dll 5.3.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
73a60000 DCIMAN32.dll 5.2.3790.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
74430000 MSCTF.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
74ae0000 USP10.dll 1.422.3790.4695 C:\WINDOWS\system32
75d60000 apphelp.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76180000 IMM32.DLL 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
761a0000 comdlg32.dll 6.0.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
769e0000 winmm.dll 5.2.3790.4916 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76ab0000 PSAPI.DLL 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76e60000 wtsapi32.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76e70000 WLDAP32.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76eb0000 Secur32.dll 5.2.3790.4530 C:\WINDOWS\system32
770d0000 SETUPAPI.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
774b0000 ole32.dll 5.2.3790.4926 C:\WINDOWS\system32
775f0000 oleaut32.dll 5.2.3790.4807 C:\WINDOWS\system32
777e0000 NTMARTA.DLL 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77b60000 version.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77b70000 msvcrt.dll 7.0.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77bd0000 GDI32.dll 5.2.3790.4396 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77c20000 RPCRT4.dll 5.2.3790.4759 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77cd0000 comctl32.dll 6.0.3790.4770 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.3790.4770_x-ww_05FDF087
77e10000 USER32.dll 5.2.3790.4033 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77eb0000 SHLWAPI.dll 6.0.3790.4603 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77f10000 WINSTA.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77f30000 ADVAPI32.dll 5.2.3790.4455 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7c800000 kernel32.dll 5.2.3790.4480 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7c930000 ntdll.dll 5.2.3790.4937 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7ca10000 shell32.dll 6.0.3790.5018 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7e020000 SAMLIB.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7f000000 LPK.DLL 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
000 Idle 0 0 0
004 System 0 0 0 normal
14c smss.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
180 csrss.exe 0 0 0
198 winlogon.exe 0 0 0 high C:\WINDOWS\system32
1c8 services.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
1d4 lsass.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
288 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
2d8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
314 svchost.exe 0 0 0
338 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\System32
388 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
3f8 msdtc.exe 0 0 0
444 svchost.exe 0 0 0
454 burroservice.exe 0 0 0 normal D:\hyj\qb\server
494 DUMeterSvc.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\Program Files\DU Meter
4d8 inetinfo.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv
534 mysqld.exe 0 0 0 normal D:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin
5dc burroguard.exe 0 0 0 normal D:\hyj\qb\server
640 ServUDaemon.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\Program Files\Serv-U
6a8 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\System32
6e4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
8c0 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\System32
9a8 alg.exe 0 0 0
a78 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\System32
ca8 wmiprvse.exe 0 0 0
d9c csrss.exe 1 0 0
db8 winlogon.exe 1 43 16 high C:\WINDOWS\system32
e70 rdpclip.exe 1 8 9 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
eb8 Explorer.EXE 1 268 219 normal C:\WINDOWS
f44 ctfmon.exe 1 18 11 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
f50 DUMeter.exe 1 50 39 normal C:\Program Files\DU Meter
f60 LedService.exe 1 69 47 normal D:\hyj\LedService
a34 logon.scr 0 0 0
898 taskmgr.exe 1 112 98 high C:\WINDOWS\system32
590 QQ.exe 1 381 108 normal D:\Program Files\Tencent\QQIntl\Bin
384 TXPlatform.exe 1 4 5 normal D:\Program Files\Tencent\QQIntl\Bin
5b0 Server.exe 1 118 87 normal D:\hyj
484 w3wp.exe 0 0 0 normal c:\windows\system32\inetsrv
404 csrss.exe 3 0 0
+ DVD/CD-ROM 驱动器
- Msft Virtual CD/ROM
- Msft Virtual CD/ROM
- Intel(R) 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
- 主要 IDE 通道
- 次要 IDE 通道
+ 人体学接口设备
- Microsoft Hyper-V Input
+ 声音、视频和游戏控制器
- 传统视频捕捉设备
- 传统音频驱动程序
- 媒体控制设备
- 视频编码解码器
- 音频编码解码器
+ 处理器
- Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5640 @ 2.27GHz
- Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5640 @ 2.27GHz
+ 显示卡
- Microsoft Hyper-V Video
+ 磁盘驱动器
- Virtual HD
- Virtual HD
+ 端口 (COM 和 LPT)
- 通信端口 (COM1)
- 通信端口 (COM2)
+ 系统设备
- ACPI Fixed Feature Button
- Direct memory access controller
- Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to ISA bridge (ISA mode)
- Intel 82443BX Pentium(R) II Processor to PCI Bridge
- ISAPNP Read Data Port
- Logical Disk Manager
- Microcode Update Device
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
- Microsoft Hyper-V Data Exchange
- Microsoft Hyper-V Guest Shutdown
- Microsoft Hyper-V Heartbeat
- Microsoft Hyper-V S3 Cap
- Microsoft Hyper-V Storage Accelerator
- Microsoft Hyper-V Storage Accelerator
- Microsoft Hyper-V Time Synchronization
- Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Machine Bus
- Microsoft Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy
- Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver
- Motherboard resources
- Motherboard resources
- Numeric data processor
- PCI bus
- Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
- Programmable interrupt controller
- System board
- System CMOS/real time clock
- System speaker
- System timer
- Volume Manager
- 控制台的全屏显示视频驱动程序
- 终端服务器设备重定向器
- 终端服务器键盘驱动程序
- 终端服务器鼠标驱动程序
+ 网络适配器
- Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter #4
- WAN 微型端口 (IP)
- WAN 微型端口 (L2TP)
- WAN 微型端口 (PPPOE)
- WAN 微型端口 (PPTP)
- 直接并口
+ 计算机
- ACPI Multiprocessor PC
+ 软盘控制器
- Standard floppy disk controller
+ 软盘驱动器
- 软盘驱动器
+ 键盘
- Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard
+ 鼠标和其它指针设备
- HID-compliant mouse
- Microsoft PS/2 Mouse
cpu registers:
eax = 010d3560
ebx = 00000003
ecx = 00000000
edx = 001776a0
esi = 00000000
edi = 00000008
eip = 00525cc5
esp = 036cfd68
ebp = 036cfddc
stack dump:
036cfd68 c5 5c 52 00 de fa ed 0e - 01 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 .\R.............
036cfd78 7c fd 6c 03 c5 5c 52 00 - 60 35 0d 01 03 00 00 00 |.l..\R.`5......
036cfd88 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 - dc fd 6c 03 98 fd 6c 03 ..........l...l.
036cfd98 00 35 0d 01 78 fe 6c 03 - c6 fe 6c 03 11 1b 09 01 .5..x.l...l.....
036cfda8 40 ac 07 01 45 97 67 00 - c6 fe 6c 03 11 1b 09 01 @...E.g...l.....
036cfdb8 10 00 00 00 b6 fe 6c 03 - 00 00 00 00 d8 fd 6c 03 ......l.......l.
036cfdc8 3d 2e 52 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 11 1b 09 00 =.R.............
036cfdd8 00 35 0d 01 24 fe 6c 03 - ba 99 67 00 c8 fe 6c 03 .5..$.l...g...l.
036cfde8 c6 fe 6c 03 7e 94 09 01 - 44 5f 67 00 58 05 00 00 ..l.~...D_g.X...
036cfdf8 00 00 00 00 58 05 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ....X...........
036cfe08 00 35 0d 01 2c 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 84 05 00 00 .5..,...........
036cfe18 00 00 00 00 58 05 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 c8 fe 6c 03 ....X.........l.
036cfe28 6d 9d 67 00 c8 fe 6c 03 - 04 ff 6c 03 40 92 40 00 m.g...l...l.@.@.
036cfe38 c8 fe 6c 03 00 00 00 00 - 30 14 0e 01 44 5f 67 00 ..l.....0...D_g.
036cfe48 c9 8d 40 00 14 02 00 00 - 20 33 0d 01 40 ac 07 01 ..@..... 3..@...
036cfe58 c0 1a 09 01 08 00 00 00 - 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ................
036cfe68 02 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 - 04 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 ............1...
036cfe78 14 00 00 00 10 14 0e 01 - 52 67 40 00 2d 7e 05 00
[email protected]~..
036cfe88 10 07 68 6d 48 54 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 51 07 ..hmHT........Q.
036cfe98 ba 58 5a ee cd 48 a2 ef - 0a e9 bb 8c ca 59 72 e7 .XZ..H.......Yr.
00679731 1579 mov eax, [ebp+8]
00679734 mov ecx, [eax-$6c]
00679737 mov eax, [ebp+8]
0067973a lea edx, [eax-$50]
0067973d mov eax, [ebp-4]
00679740 > call -$153aed ($525c58) ; System.Classes.TStream.ReadBuffer
00679745 1581 mov eax, [ebp+8]
00679748 mov eax, [eax+8]
0067974b cmp word ptr [eax], $10
0067974f jnz loc_67978b
00679751 mov eax, [ebp+8]
date/time : 2014-12-08, 21:21:22, 349ms
computer name : VPS
wts client name : HYJ-THINK
user name : Administrator <admin>
registered owner : hyper-v / hyper-v
operating system : Windows 2003 Service Pack 2 build 3790
system language : Chinese
system up time : 10 days 22 hours
program up time : 8 hours 8 minutes
processors : 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5640 @ 2.27GHz
physical memory : 2014/2559 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 3.44 GB (D:) 25.99 GB
display mode : 1440x900, 16 bit
process id : $f3c
allocated memory : 7.30 MB
largest free block : 970.37 MB
executable : Server.exe
exec. date/time : 2014-12-07 14:36
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE6
madExcept version : 4.0.10
callstack crc : $4e6c189b, $bb5dabbd, $cc82e602
exception number : 1
exception class : EReadError
exception message : Stream read error.
thread $d0c (TCPClientThread):
00525cc0 +068 Server.exe System.Classes TStream.ReadBuffer
0067968f +15f Server.exe MRVMediaServer 1567 +27 LoadHeader
006799b5 +171 Server.exe MRVMediaServer 1635 +25 LoadPackTCP
00679d68 +0fc Server.exe MRVMediaServer 1731 +27 TRVMediaServerThread.DoRead
00408dc6 +09e Server.exe System 399 +0 TMonitor.Wait
00674395 +099 Server.exe MRVType 5102 +6 TCPClientThread.TCPRead
0067423f +1bb Server.exe MRVType 5067 +44 TCPClientThread.Execute
004a2853 +02b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +049 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +028 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +00d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +032 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $484 (TRVListenerThread) at:
00673e33 +023 Server.exe MRVType 4952 +1 TCPClientThread.Create
main thread ($60c):
77e2bf51 +00a USER32.dll WaitMessage
0064ada5 +149 Server.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.Idle
00649fcb +017 Server.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
0064a2f1 +0c9 Server.exe Vcl.Forms TApplication.Run
0068bdef +03b Server.exe Server 25 +3 initialization
thread $dec (TRVListenerThread):
7c957b77 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
71b5150e +5e WS2HELP.dll WahReferenceContextByHandle
71b62839 +9e WS2_32.dll select
00674534 +d8 Server.exe MRVType 5187 +14 WSSelect
00674803 +8b Server.exe MRVType 5272 +12 TRVListenerThread.ListenServer
0067469d +4d Server.exe MRVType 5222 +8 TRVListenerThread.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $a2c at:
00674593 +23 Server.exe MRVType 5199 +1 TRVListenerThread.Create
thread $484 (TRVListenerThread):
7c957b77 +0a ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
71b5150e +5e WS2HELP.dll WahReferenceContextByHandle
71b62839 +9e WS2_32.dll select
00674534 +d8 Server.exe MRVType 5187 +14 WSSelect
00674803 +8b Server.exe MRVType 5272 +12 TRVListenerThread.ListenServer
0067469d +4d Server.exe MRVType 5222 +8 TRVListenerThread.Execute
004a2853 +2b Server.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
00534d95 +49 Server.exe System.Classes ThreadProc
00409b10 +28 Server.exe System 399 +0 ThreadWrapper
004a2739 +0d Server.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004a279e +32 Server.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $5bc at:
00674593 +23 Server.exe MRVType 5199 +1 TRVListenerThread.Create
00400000 Server.exe D:\hyj
025d0000 Normaliz.dll 6.0.5441.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
40270000 wininet.dll 8.0.6001.19298 C:\WINDOWS\system32
40910000 iertutil.dll 8.0.6001.19298 C:\WINDOWS\system32
439b0000 urlmon.dll 8.0.6001.19298 C:\WINDOWS\system32
4c510000 msctfime.ime 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
69660000 hnetcfg.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71a40000 wshtcpip.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\System32
71a80000 mswsock.dll 5.2.3790.4318 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71ad0000 uxtheme.dll 6.0.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71b10000 wsock32.dll 5.2.3790.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71b20000 rdpsnd.dll 5.2.3790.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71b50000 WS2HELP.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71b60000 WS2_32.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71ba0000 NETAPI32.dll 5.2.3790.5030 C:\WINDOWS\system32
72f40000 winspool.drv 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
73730000 ddraw.dll 5.3.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
73a60000 DCIMAN32.dll 5.2.3790.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
74430000 MSCTF.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
74ae0000 USP10.dll 1.422.3790.4695 C:\WINDOWS\system32
75d60000 apphelp.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76180000 IMM32.DLL 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
761a0000 comdlg32.dll 6.0.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
769e0000 winmm.dll 5.2.3790.4916 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76ab0000 PSAPI.DLL 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76e60000 wtsapi32.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76e70000 WLDAP32.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76eb0000 Secur32.dll 5.2.3790.4530 C:\WINDOWS\system32
770d0000 SETUPAPI.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
774b0000 ole32.dll 5.2.3790.4926 C:\WINDOWS\system32
775f0000 oleaut32.dll 5.2.3790.4807 C:\WINDOWS\system32
777e0000 NTMARTA.DLL 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77b60000 version.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77b70000 msvcrt.dll 7.0.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77bd0000 GDI32.dll 5.2.3790.4396 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77c20000 RPCRT4.dll 5.2.3790.4759 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77cd0000 comctl32.dll 6.0.3790.4770 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.3790.4770_x-ww_05FDF087
77e10000 USER32.dll 5.2.3790.4033 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77eb0000 SHLWAPI.dll 6.0.3790.4603 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77f10000 WINSTA.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77f30000 ADVAPI32.dll 5.2.3790.4455 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7c800000 kernel32.dll 5.2.3790.4480 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7c930000 ntdll.dll 5.2.3790.4937 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7ca10000 shell32.dll 6.0.3790.5018 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7e020000 SAMLIB.dll 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7f000000 LPK.DLL 5.2.3790.3959 C:\WINDOWS\system32
000 Idle 0 0 0
004 System 0 0 0 normal
14c smss.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
180 csrss.exe 0 0 0
198 winlogon.exe 0 0 0 high C:\WINDOWS\system32
1c8 services.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
1d4 lsass.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
288 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
2d8 svchost.exe 0 0 0
314 svchost.exe 0 0 0
338 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\System32
388 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
3f8 msdtc.exe 0 0 0
444 svchost.exe 0 0 0
454 burroservice.exe 0 0 0 normal D:\hyj\qb\server
494 DUMeterSvc.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\Program Files\DU Meter
4d8 inetinfo.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv
534 mysqld.exe 0 0 0 normal D:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin
5dc burroguard.exe 0 0 0 normal D:\hyj\qb\server
640 ServUDaemon.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\Program Files\Serv-U
6a8 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\System32
6e4 svchost.exe 0 0 0
8c0 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\System32
9a8 alg.exe 0 0 0
a78 svchost.exe 0 0 0 normal C:\WINDOWS\System32
ca8 wmiprvse.exe 0 0 0
d9c csrss.exe 1 0 0
db8 winlogon.exe 1 44 18 high C:\WINDOWS\system32
e70 rdpclip.exe 1 8 9 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
eb8 Explorer.EXE 1 245 209 normal C:\WINDOWS
f44 ctfmon.exe 1 18 11 normal C:\WINDOWS\system32
f50 DUMeter.exe 1 50 39 normal C:\Program Files\DU Meter
f60 LedService.exe 1 74 65 normal D:\hyj\LedService
a34 logon.scr 0 0 0
898 taskmgr.exe 1 112 98 high C:\WINDOWS\system32
590 QQ.exe 1 381 108 normal D:\Program Files\Tencent\QQIntl\Bin
384 TXPlatform.exe 1 4 5 normal D:\Program Files\Tencent\QQIntl\Bin
f3c Server.exe 1 117 82 normal D:\hyj
bd4 WinRAR.exe 1 124 45 normal C:\Program Files\WinRAR
d38 scrnsave.scr 1 4 1 idle C:\WINDOWS\system32
bac w3wp.exe 0 0 0 normal c:\windows\system32\inetsrv
958 csrss.exe 5 0 0
15c winlogon.exe 5 0 0 high C:\WINDOWS\system32
71c csrss.exe 3 0 0
e10 winlogon.exe 3 0 0 high C:\WINDOWS\system32
+ DVD/CD-ROM 驱动器
- Msft Virtual CD/ROM
- Msft Virtual CD/ROM
- Intel(R) 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
- 主要 IDE 通道
- 次要 IDE 通道
+ 人体学接口设备
- Microsoft Hyper-V Input
+ 声音、视频和游戏控制器
- 传统视频捕捉设备
- 传统音频驱动程序
- 媒体控制设备
- 视频编码解码器
- 音频编码解码器
+ 处理器
- Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5640 @ 2.27GHz
- Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5640 @ 2.27GHz
+ 显示卡
- Microsoft Hyper-V Video
+ 磁盘驱动器
- Virtual HD
- Virtual HD
+ 端口 (COM 和 LPT)
- 通信端口 (COM1)
- 通信端口 (COM2)
+ 系统设备
- ACPI Fixed Feature Button
- Direct memory access controller
- Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to ISA bridge (ISA mode)
- Intel 82443BX Pentium(R) II Processor to PCI Bridge
- ISAPNP Read Data Port
- Logical Disk Manager
- Microcode Update Device
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
- Microsoft Hyper-V Data Exchange
- Microsoft Hyper-V Guest Shutdown
- Microsoft Hyper-V Heartbeat
- Microsoft Hyper-V S3 Cap
- Microsoft Hyper-V Storage Accelerator
- Microsoft Hyper-V Storage Accelerator
- Microsoft Hyper-V Time Synchronization
- Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Machine Bus
- Microsoft Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy
- Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver
- Motherboard resources
- Motherboard resources
- Numeric data processor
- PCI bus
- Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
- Programmable interrupt controller
- System board
- System CMOS/real time clock
- System speaker
- System timer
- Volume Manager
- 控制台的全屏显示视频驱动程序
- 终端服务器设备重定向器
- 终端服务器键盘驱动程序
- 终端服务器鼠标驱动程序
+ 网络适配器
- Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter #4
- WAN 微型端口 (IP)
- WAN 微型端口 (L2TP)
- WAN 微型端口 (PPPOE)
- WAN 微型端口 (PPTP)
- 直接并口
+ 计算机
- ACPI Multiprocessor PC
+ 软盘控制器
- Standard floppy disk controller
+ 软盘驱动器
- 软盘驱动器
+ 键盘
- Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard
+ 鼠标和其它指针设备
- HID-compliant mouse
- Microsoft PS/2 Mouse
cpu registers:
eax = 010d3300
ebx = 00000004
ecx = 00000000
edx = 00178828
esi = 00000000
edi = 00000010
eip = 00525cc5
esp = 036cfd68
ebp = 036cfddc
stack dump:
036cfd68 c5 5c 52 00 de fa ed 0e - 01 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 .\R.............
036cfd78 7c fd 6c 03 c5 5c 52 00 - 00 33 0d 01 04 00 00 00 |.l..\R..3......
036cfd88 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 - dc fd 6c 03 98 fd 6c 03 ..........l...l.
036cfd98 a0 35 0d 01 96 fe 6c 03 - c6 fe 6c 03 11 1b 09 01 .5....l...l.....
036cfda8 44 5f 67 00 94 96 67 00 - c6 fe 6c 03 11 1b 09 01 D_g...g...l.....
036cfdb8 ea 6c 52 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 d8 fd 6c 03 .lR...........l.
036cfdc8 3d 2e 52 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 11 1b 09 00 =.R.............
036cfdd8 a0 35 0d 01 24 fe 6c 03 - ba 99 67 00 c8 fe 6c 03 .5..$.l...g...l.
036cfde8 c6 fe 6c 03 5e 90 09 01 - 44 5f 67 00 94 89 0e 01 ..l.^...D_g.....
036cfdf8 b0 18 67 00 b8 18 67 00 - 44 5f 67 00 01 00 00 00 ..g...g.D_g.....
036cfe08 a0 35 0d 01 1a 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 1a 00 00 00 .5..............
036cfe18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 c8 fe 6c 03 ..............l.
036cfe28 6d 9d 67 00 c8 fe 6c 03 - 04 ff 6c 03 40 92 40 00 m.g...l...l.@.@.
036cfe38 c8 fe 6c 03 00 00 00 00 - 50 14 0e 01 44 5f 67 00 ..l.....P...D_g.
036cfe48 c9 8d 40 00 94 02 00 00 - 80 34 0d 01 40 ac 07 01
[email protected]..@...
036cfe58 c0 1a 09 01 08 00 00 00 - 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ................
036cfe68 02 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 - 04 00 00 00 31 00 00 00 ............1...
036cfe78 b8 7f 40 00 00 14 0e 01 - 52 67 40 00 2d 7e 40 00
[email protected]@.-~@.
036cfe88 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 d5 d0 ................
036cfe98 f4 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 26 50 .A............&P
00679680 mov eax, [ebp+8]
00679683 mov ecx, [eax-$5c]
00679686 mov eax, [ebp+8]
00679689 lea edx, [eax-$32]
0067968c mov eax, [ebp-4]
0067968f > call -$153a3c ($525c58) ; System.Classes.TStream.ReadBuffer
00679694 jmp loc_6796b5
00679696 1568 mov eax, [ebp+8]
00679699 add eax, -$32
0067969c mov [ebp-$18], eax
0067969f mov eax, [ebp+8]