Trichviewedit copy / paste issue
Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:28 am
Dear developer,
We have one client who experiences copy and paste issue with our product that uses your Trichviewedit. Client just cannot copy from Trichviewedit or pasting to Trichviewedit by ctrl+c and ctrl+v.
Copy and Paste handles by Trichviewedit, moreover client can not copy and paste from/to Trichviewedit by using context menu, which actually uses:
commands. Is there any abilities to debug this issue?
Trichviewedit v14.12.5 (registered)
We cannot reproduce this issue as well as all other our clients never experienced it.
object ent_rich: TRichViewEdit
Tag = 211
Left = 10
Top = 23
Width = 369
Height = 74
AcceptDragDropFormats = [rvddFiles]
AcceptPasteFormats = [rvddUnicodeText]
EditorOptions = [rvoCtrlJumps]
ReadOnly = False
OnDropFiles = ent_richDropFiles
OnOleDragEnter = ent_richOleDragEnter
OnOleDragLeave = ent_richOleDragLeave
OnOleDragOver = ent_richOleDragOver
OnOleDrop = ent_richOleDrop
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
PopupMenu = ent_rich_popup
TabOrder = 0
OnKeyPress = ent_richKeyPress
DoInPaletteMode = rvpaCreateCopies
Options = [rvoAllowSelection, rvoScrollToEnd, rvoShowPageBreaks, rvoAutoCopyUnicodeText, rvoFormatInvalidate, rvoDblClickSelectsWord, rvoRClickDeselects, rvoShowGridLines, rvoFastFormatting]
Style = ent_rich_style
We have one client who experiences copy and paste issue with our product that uses your Trichviewedit. Client just cannot copy from Trichviewedit or pasting to Trichviewedit by ctrl+c and ctrl+v.
Copy and Paste handles by Trichviewedit, moreover client can not copy and paste from/to Trichviewedit by using context menu, which actually uses:
commands. Is there any abilities to debug this issue?
Trichviewedit v14.12.5 (registered)
We cannot reproduce this issue as well as all other our clients never experienced it.
object ent_rich: TRichViewEdit
Tag = 211
Left = 10
Top = 23
Width = 369
Height = 74
AcceptDragDropFormats = [rvddFiles]
AcceptPasteFormats = [rvddUnicodeText]
EditorOptions = [rvoCtrlJumps]
ReadOnly = False
OnDropFiles = ent_richDropFiles
OnOleDragEnter = ent_richOleDragEnter
OnOleDragLeave = ent_richOleDragLeave
OnOleDragOver = ent_richOleDragOver
OnOleDrop = ent_richOleDrop
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
PopupMenu = ent_rich_popup
TabOrder = 0
OnKeyPress = ent_richKeyPress
DoInPaletteMode = rvpaCreateCopies
Options = [rvoAllowSelection, rvoScrollToEnd, rvoShowPageBreaks, rvoAutoCopyUnicodeText, rvoFormatInvalidate, rvoDblClickSelectsWord, rvoRClickDeselects, rvoShowGridLines, rvoFastFormatting]
Style = ent_rich_style