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Vertical Bullet Centering

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:44 pm
by mstaszew
Hi there, I'm using TRichView for Delphi and I'm trying to center my bullet images vertically with the first line of bulleted text. I found this post, ... tre+bullet, which was helpful; however, lines 2-N when wrapped do not indent to match the first line's indent. I tried playing with paragraph styles, but have not come up with a combination of settings to achieve this. I also tried adding a new list style and level mapped to an image in an image list and that does handle text indenting properly, but does not center the bullet vertically and VAlign doesn't seem to apply here. In the screenshot the first bullet is created by...


Code: Select all

RichView1.SetListMarkerInfo(-1, 0{ListNo}, 0, 1, 0{ParaNo}, False);
RichView1.AddNL('List item 3', 0, -1);
...and the second by...

Code: Select all

RichView1.AddBulletEx('', 0, imgs, 2);
TRVBulletItemInfo(RichView1.GetItem(RichView1.ItemCount - 1)).VAlign := rvvaAbsMiddle;
RichView1.AddNL('There are two paragraphs in this document - '+
                'the first one with centered alignment, and the second one - '+
                'with left alignment. The first paragraph consists of one text item, '+
                'and the second paragraph consists of three items. '+
                'Each item is added with one call of AddNL method.', 0, -1);
How can I achieve both vertical alignment as well as properly indented bullet text?


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:37 pm
by mstaszew
I'm able to work around this by using a table instead using column 0 for the bullet images and column 1 for the text. We can ignore this one, thanks.