Select word with subsequent space by doubleclick
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 6:15 pm
In most text programs the subsequent space also is selected if a word is doubleclicked. Is there a solution for TRichViewEdit to imitate this behaviour?
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Code: Select all
Word := RVU_Copy(Word, Offs, Len, ItemOptions);
Code: Select all
while (Offs+Len-1<RVU_Length(Word,ItemOptions)) and
RVU_IsSpace(Word, Offs+Len, ItemOptions) do
It depends on the context. Usually I agree if you have to do something with this word. But during writing it is more comfortable including the spcae char to move the word to another place in the text.Sergey Tkachenko wrote:It was made intentionally, because I think that copying a word is more useful than copying a word with following spaces.