This component is developed by Marek Mittmann (marekm)
marekm wrote:
Recently I have implemented skinnig for ScaleRichView using ExpressSkins package. The code consists of a single component named TSRVDxSkinAdapter. This component placed on the form enables skinning of all TSRichViewEdit, TSclRVRuler and TRVRulerItemSelector owned by this form. Certainly, the TdxSkinController must be adequately configured. TSRVDxSkinAdapter does not trace insertion of new controls, thus skinning of controls placed after creation of TSRVDxSkinAdapter (e.g in runtime) must be forced manually using method TSRVDxSkinAdapter.Refresh. TSRVDxSkinAdapter modifies some visual properties and event handlers of the affected controls and does not restore them. Thus better backup your project before use it!

See also:
Data editors for DevExpress VCL