
General TRichView support forum. Please post your questions here
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Post by j&b »



I have created a table with rveTable.Cells[r,c].BestWidth:=15

If I write a 'x' into a cell, rveTable.Cells[r,c].BestWidth = 20
But I need a table with rveTable.Cells[r,c].BestWidth = 15 after pasting a letter.

What's to do ?

How can I use 2 (or 3) rveMemos by using one rvs-component ?

How can I show a screenshot (in this window) by using Image
Sergey Tkachenko
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Posts: 17679
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

1. Widths of table columns are calculated taking into account both BestWidth properties and cells contents.
If you want to use only BestWidth, ignoring content, include rvtoIgnoreContentWidth in table.Options.

2. Any number of RichViews can use one RVStyle component. But in this case you need to understand how this system works. If one of RichViews replaces collection of styles, it affects all other RichView using the same RVStyle, and it may cause problems.
Usually, several RichViews can use the same RVStyle if you use some predefined set of styles in it, and none of them can delete, change or add styles (well, addition is ok, but not deleting and changing).
To use RichViews in this mode, right click them in Delphi, choose "Settings" in the context menu, select "Use a predefined set of styles".

3. Sorry, I do not understand this question. Do you ask how to add image in this forum? You need to upload image somewhere, then insert its URL between Image.
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