StyleTemplates for Header/Footer using [rvfoSaveStyleTemplatesOnlyNames] option

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StyleTemplates for Header/Footer using [rvfoSaveStyleTemplatesOnlyNames] option

Post by Vitalii »

Question about working with TSRichViewEdit and StyleTemplates.

I use the [rvfoSaveStyleTemplatesOnlyNames] option and load the styles from a file. For the main editor (SRV.RichViewEdit), the styles are saved and loaded fine, but not for the Header/Footer. When I open a section for editing, StyleComboBox shows the default style (Normal). Looks like this information does not store in the RVF...

My actions:
1. Create new document - OK
2. Edit text/style in SRV.RichViewEdit - OK
3. Edit text/style in SRV.Header - OK
4. Save styles to RVST - OK
5. Save document in RVF - OK
6. Load styles from RVST - OK
7. Load document from RVF - OK
8. Text in SRV.RichViewEdit is formatted correctly and all styles are in place - OK
9. Text in SRV.Header is formatted correctly, but there are no styles (resets to normal) - NOT OK

Also, the Style Inspector does not respond to the Header/Footer. If I start editing section, Style Inspector shows the last style that was in SRV.RichViewEdit.

I feel like there should be a simple solution, but what?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: StyleTemplates for Header/Footer using [rvfoSaveStyleTemplatesOnlyNames] option

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

I confirm the problem. It will be fixed in the next update (in this week, I hope).
Posts: 61
Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:55 pm

Re: StyleTemplates for Header/Footer using [rvfoSaveStyleTemplatesOnlyNames] option

Post by Vitalii »

Thanks, I'll wait.
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