TRichView - Replace Format (Font,Style,Color etc.)

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TRichView - Replace Format (Font,Style,Color etc.)

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if we insert one RTF/DOCX into another - the inserted rtf should inherit the font, size, and style of the surrounding document. For this I have implemented this piece of code.
- First we are loading the piece which will be inserted into a TRichtViewEditor instance.

- instead of useing global variables for the FParent* I would prefer it to make a class with the required values and pass this through
userdata in ApplyStyleConversion(...) but currently userdata is just an Integer - so it will work only for Win32 to cast the class into Integer,
but for Win64 -it won't work that way - are there any plans to change such parameters to NativeInt in the near future?

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   // Fake surrounding Font of the target RTF
   FParentFontName  := 'Segoe UI';
   FParentFontColor := clBlack;
   FParentFontBGColor := clNone;
   FParentFontSize  := 14;
   FParentFontStyle := [];

  rve.OnStyleConversion := ReplaceTextStyleConversion;
    rve.ApplyStyleConversion(0{only int32});
    rve.RVData.DeleteUnusedStyles(true, true, true);
     rve.OnStyleConversion := nil;

procedure TForm1.ReplaceTextStyleConversion(Sender: TCustomRichViewEdit; StyleNo, UserData: Integer; AppliedToText: Boolean;
                                     var NewStyleNo: Integer);
  FontInfo: TFontInfo;
  FontInfo := TFontInfo.Create(nil);
    // copy fontinfo from the this..

    // replace font if its still the memo default font
    if SameText(FontInfo.FontName, DefMemoFontName) then
       FontInfo.FontName := FParentFontName;

    FontInfo.Size := MulDiv( FParentFontSize, FontInfo.Size, DefMemoFontSize );

    if FontInfo.Style = DefMemoFontStyle then
       FontInfo.Style := FParentFontStyle;

    if FontInfo.Color = DefMemoFontColor then
       FontInfo.Color := FParentFontColor;

    if FontInfo.BackColor = DefMemoFontBGColor then
       FontInfo.BackColor := FParentFontBGColor;

    NewStyleNo := rvs.FindTextStyle(FontInfo);
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: TRichView - Replace Format (Font,Style,Color etc.)

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

First, consider using the built-in features.

1) If real named styles (StyleTemplates) are used, when you insert RTF or DocX, the formatting of the existing named styles is used instead of the formatting of the inserted document (providing that RichViewEdit.StyleTemplateInsertMode = rvstimUseTargetFormatting).
For example, if in the existing document, StyleTemplate "Normal" is "Tahoma, 12", then all text of "Normal" style will be inserted as "Tahoma, 12", regardless of its original formatting (only formatting applied on top of named style will be kept)

2) If you do not use StyleTemplates, check properties of RichViewEdit.RTFReadProperties: TextStyleMode and ParaStyleMode.
If rvrsUseSpecified, all inserted text will have the specified TextStyle/ParaStyle.
If rvrsUseClosest, the most similar existing TextStyle/ParaStyle will be used.


No, I do not plan to change the parameter type, to avoid compatibility problems in older projects.
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