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Post by standay »


I am trying to do some drawing on the background using RVStyle1DrawParaBack. But I can't get it to work. I'm trying to just draw a color in the background but only in the current para. I need a way to restrict it to just the para with the cursor in it, otherwise it draws it in every para. I have tried a lot of stuff this afternoon and can't get it to do what I'm after!

Here's what I have:

Code: Select all

 ACanvas.Brush.Color := Sender.Color;

  if not EditorActiveLine1.Checked then exit;

  //Note: setting RVStyle1.ParaStyles LineSpacing to 105% helps with the "look"
  //of the highlight area.

  //Note: I originally used "if Sender.ItemNo = RichViewEdit1.CurItemNo then..."
  //but that failed when I put a tab into the line. No idea why. But using the
  //line number from each item worked better, but not 100%:
  if rve.GetLineNo(Sender.ItemNo,0) = rve.GetLineNo(rve.CurItemNo,0) then
    //ACanvas.Brush.Color := clGrayText;
    //ColorBlend looks better as it is alpha blended:
    ColorBlend(ACanvas, ARect, clGrayText , 70);
I need to know if the ParaNo in RVStyle1DrawParaBack is = to the current item para but it always seems to be 0.

Any advice appreciated.

Edit: What I have above does work most of the time. I had a file with some odd formatting that gave me some trouble. I'll keep testing it but if you have any ideas please let me know.

Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: RVStyle1DrawParaBack

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

ParaNo is not a position in the document, but index in RVStyle1.ParaStyles collection.

Position of the drawn paragraph can be get in (Sender.RVData, Sender.ItemNo). This is a position of the last item in the drawn paragraph.

A related demo project:
Posts: 283
Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2021 3:07 pm

Re: RVStyle1DrawParaBack

Post by standay »

Hi Sergey,

Thanks, that did work. Here's how I set mine up for 1 rve:

Code: Select all

  i := Sender.ItemNo;
  if Sender.RVData=rve.RVData then
    j := rve.CurItemNo;
    MakeRed := i=j;
    if MakeRed then
  until TCustomRVData(Sender.RVData).IsFromNewLine(i+1);
  if MakeRed then begin
    //Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
    //Canvas.Brush.Color := $CCCCFF;
    ColorBlend(ACanvas, ARect, SRDJournalThemes.EditorActiveLine , 225); //alpha blend
I actually saw that demo a while ago, but it didn't make sense to me at the time. I've done a lot more experimentation with the rve since then!

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