Hiding footnotes

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Hiding footnotes

Post by jgkoehn »

Is it possible to Hide footnote numbers but keep them there until later? We are working on document with like 5000 footnotes and it can slow things down. Thoughts ideas? Especially like with highlighting or copying even in a section at times.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Hiding footnotes

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Do you mean ScaleRichView?
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Re: Hiding footnotes

Post by JG »

We are using Trichview.

As a separate observation but I guess it is connected to footnotes. If I use the Trich demo and load this .rtf file that has the 5000 footnotes, and I try to perform a simple word find and replace in the document, one at a time, it is taking quite a few seconds to perform a very simple replacement. Without the footnotes, I tested the same find and replace and it is quicker, but not fast like MS Word.

What we are doing in our custom program is processing certain bible scripture references to make them into hyperlinks, which we perform on the selected text area. This is copied out and parsed and pasted back in (it seemed to be the quickest way). However when there are footnotes in the paragraph there can be about a 20 second lag for the paste to happen. The point is also there is no change in the text length, it is just the reference is now a Hyperlinked text.

So we thought we would ask you if there was some way to temporarily take the footnotes out of the way because it seems that the footnotes are being recalculated in the selected text when there is no change to them.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Hiding footnotes

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Please send me a sample file to email richviewgmailcom.
Footnotes should not affect processing that much.
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Re: Hiding footnotes

Post by JG »

Just emailed the file to you.
Thank you.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Hiding footnotes

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Received. I'll check it at the beginning of the next week.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Hiding footnotes

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Sorry for the delay.

I found the place where footnotes were processed inefficiently.
Quick fix: open RVERVData.pas. The line #8882 is

Code: Select all

ExpandToParaEx(StartNo, EndNo, StartNo, EndNo);
Delete this line.

Because of this line, when you delete something in paragraph (including deletion of selected word when inserting a new word), if this paragraph contains footnotes, the document is reformatted from the place of deletion to the last footnote. In "replace all", it happens when replacing each occurrence in paragraphs containing footnotes, what's why it become awfully slow for your document.
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Re: Hiding footnotes

Post by jgkoehn »

Thank you sir! Excellent fix
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Re: Hiding footnotes

Post by JG »

The fix has improved the situation when there are footnotes, but there is something that I want to understand to see if we can improve the performance of pasting back text.
So the situation is this with the program in the one option we have.
The text is copied to a second Trichview and the links are made there and the exact text is pasted back. But there seems to be some recalculation going on even though there is nothing to change. Is there a property that will stop some recalculating (reformatting/formatting) happening.?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Hiding footnotes

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Can you create a simple test project and send it to me? Email richviewgmailcom
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