Code: Select all
RichView1.SetListMarkerInfo(-1, 0{ListNo}, 0, 1, 0{ParaNo}, False);
RichView1.AddNL('List item 3', 0, -1);
Code: Select all
RichView1.AddBulletEx('', 0, imgs, 2);
TRVBulletItemInfo(RichView1.GetItem(RichView1.ItemCount - 1)).VAlign := rvvaAbsMiddle;
RichView1.AddNL('There are two paragraphs in this document - '+
'the first one with centered alignment, and the second one - '+
'with left alignment. The first paragraph consists of one text item, '+
'and the second paragraph consists of three items. '+
'Each item is added with one call of AddNL method.', 0, -1);