Please try to do this steps:
1. Open project \srv_demos\Demos\ActionTest\
2. Add FastMM4 to project:
Code: Select all
FastMM4, /// <=======
dmActionsSRV in 'dmActionsSRV.pas' {srvActionsResource: TDataModule},
Unit3 in 'Unit3.pas' {Form3};
3. Download and use my from
4. Build and run
5. To any line of text add footnote
6. To the same line add a table (example 1x2)
7. May be will be needed to insert footnote again. To the same line.
Then FastMM generates exception "FastMM has detected an error during a GetMem operation. FastMM detected that a block has been modified after being freed. "
P.S. I made changes in RVThread.pas and RichView.pas to disable FreeOnTerminate property.