i've found two strange bugs by implementing Scalerichview in my program.
First thing is a space insertion on typing "111111111111111" (only the number one as character).
Is looks like that:
The second thing is a ScaleRichviewEdit-Component which doenst scroll to the top again:
There you can see the first line is marked but you can't scroll up to see the first line.
Code: Select all
object MyRichEdit: TSRichViewEdit
Left = 640
Top = 112
Width = 145
Height = 89
Cursor = crIBeam
PopupMenu = Richedit_PopUp
Color = clWhite
SkinManager = SRVSkinManager1
HScrollBarSchemeIndex = 0
VScrollBarSchemeIndex = 0
Version = 'v3.3.4'
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MenuHButtons = <>
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CaretBlinkTime = 530
RVColor = clWhite
RVOptions = [rvoAllowSelection, rvoScrollToEnd, rvoTagsArePChars, rvoAutoCopyText, rvoAutoCopyRVF, rvoAutoCopyImage, rvoAutoCopyRTF, rvoFormatInvalidate, rvoDblClickSelectsWord, rvoRClickDeselects]
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